National Sisters Day August 2, 2015

This post is coming one day late.  Yesterday apparently was National Sisters Day.  How long has this been going on?  If it had not been a mention I overheard, from my oldest daughter to my youngest, I would have never known.  So, of course I googled it and yep, there it was, bigger than beans, a national holiday now slated for the first Sunday in August.  How do things get to be officially put on the calendar as a national thing?  I’d like to know, as I have a few suggestions of my own I’d like to submit.  (I’m thinking right now about a national day for pasta, or is it taken already?)

In the midst of caregiving to my sweet hubby, and catching up on reducing daily stress in my life,  I somehow managed to miss National Sisters Day.  For those of you who may have missed it also, here’s what we missed.  Here’s just one of the google searches that came up:

So, I’ll probably email both of my sisters today and share a fun video that will bring back fun memories of our childhood.  Coloring in a fun, oversized coloring book with crayons, markers and colored pencils.  Simple as that, peaceful and relaxing.  A little something to let them know how much they are loved.  Yes, I care for them very much.  I plan on showing them more love and care this year.  I think I may have taken them for granted a bit.  I don’t want to do that anymore.  I’m gonna try to remember that National Sisters Day isn’t really just ONE day out of the year.  Sisters can be celebrated all the year through.💕. ( Enjoy the following ASMR video with headphones, don’t forget)

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